The Computers screen will allow you to manage computers and related components. Computers can have
two types of sub-components associated: Hardware - the actual components that make up the machine,
and Operating Systems - one or more OS installed on the computer.
Search Computers
The search dialog allows you to view the computers list based on search criteria. You can search
for computers with specific characteristics through this dialog.
The search dialog allows limitations on different fields. As a rule, if a field is left empty it will not be
used in the search. If multiple fields are used, then the search results will belong to the group of computers
that answer all search fields. (AND search).
The computer search dialog offers the following options:
Note, that similar fields are desbribed together in the list below, although they are not dependant in
any way in search request - meaning you can search them independently of each other
- Searching for string values in side the Computer Tag, Manufacturer, Model and Serial-Number fields.
Entering a value for any of these fields will search for computer who contrains the string value in the appropriate field.
- Searching for specific values is allowed in the case of Computer Owner, Location and Vendor you can search for
computers at a specific value in one of those fields. You can also search for computer records where this field is empty, by
using the "Not Assigned" option available in each listbox.
- The dates fields allow you to search for computers within certain date ranges:
- First choose which data field the search applies to: select from the left listbox "Computer was bought"
or "Computer warrenty ends" to denote the target search field
- Then fill one (or both) of the date search fields by clicking the date icon and picking a date. The first
date field is an "upper-limit" searching for date up to a given date. (e.g. - computers that were bought before
Jan 1st 2005), and the second date field is a "lower-limit" field; e.g. - search for computers that were bought
after May 31st 2004. Limiting both fields together will create a date range for the search.
Add Computer Dialog
The add dialog requests basic information about the computer:
- Computer Tag - The tag uniquely identifies the computer. It can be a serial number or
a name you assign the computer. This field is not necessarily the same as OS name, since one
computer may have multiple OS installed. This field is required and can be any string, but usually
it is some serial identification of the computer.
- Manufacturer - This field keeps record of the computer's manufacturer.
- Model - Use this field to record computer's model.
- Serial Number - Keeps the serial number of this computer
Owner - You may assign the computer to a person defined in the system, which 'owns' this computer
or is responsible for it. A listbox will present a list of users defined in the system, and you may choose
the person from it. This field is not mandatory.
Location - You may assign the computer to a 'location', this may represent a department the computer
belongs to or a physical location where it resides. (E.g. 'Server Room', 'QA Lab', 'Financing Dept.'). The locations
list is built from the locations defined in the system. Since some of the permissions in the system are
location based, users with permissions restricted to a certain location will only be able to see computers assigned
to that location, and will only be able to assign computers to that location (or any sub locations). Thus,
the list of locations may be partial depending on permissions for that user.
- Purchase information section. This section allows to keep details on purchase info for this computer:
- Purchased From field allows you to choose a vendor form the adjacent listbox to denote which vendor
supplied this computer
- Purchase Date field allows to enter the purchase date for this computer. You can either enter the value
manually in the YYYY-MM-DD format, or click the calendar icon and choos the date from the calendar popup.
- Warrenty Ends - specifies Warrenty for this computer starting from the purchase date. Enter a numeric
value in the editbox, and choose the time units from the listbox. (Expressing values like: 90 days, 3 months or 5 years
in this manner).
Once a computer is added successfully, you will be redirected back to the computers list, and the new record
will display.
Copy Computer Dialog
This function allows you to quickly copy a computer record. This copy procedure will create
an additional computer record with all the hardware the original computer has, and (optionally)
also the Operating Systems the original has. The computer will be reported to be installed at the
date of copying, and by the person performing the copy.
To copy a computer record, choose a computer from the list, and click the 'Copy' icon.
A popup dialog will open that will allow you to quickly make the copy. In
this window you'll be required to fill the following information:
- New Computer Tag: - Fill the tag for the new computer record. This field cannot be
empty, and you'll be prompted to change the tag to something else than the original. (This,
however is not mandatory, and you can use the same tag - although this is not recommended
since it may be confusing to have two computers with the same tag).
- OS List: - You'll be presented with a list of Operating Systems installed on the
original computer. You can decide to copy these Operating Systems to the new computer record
or skip their copying. If you give a name to the new OS (even if it's the same as the old one)
it will be copied. If you leave the OS's name field empty it will not be copied to the new
computer. When copied, the OS will be copied with all associated data in it.
See OS Copy in the OS Help section for more information.
Edit Computer Dialog
- The edit dialog allows to make changes to an existing computer record.
It is similar to the add dialog, but it has two more sections:
The 'Assigned OS' section will list all OS assigned to this computer, and the 'Assigned Hardware'
section will list all hardware assigned to this computer. Both sections have an icon on the right
side which will allow to modify the OS/hardware items assigned to the computer. You can read more about
these dialogs in the 'Assign OS' and 'Assign Hardware' sections.
Deleting a Computer
- Delete is preformed in the standard way: select an item from the computers list and click
the delete icon in the top toolbar. The action will be confirmed by a warning message. Note, that
when deleting a computer, all hardware assigned to that computer will be deleted as well and all OS
assigned to the computer will be unassigned (detached), but not deleted. If hardware from that computer
is used elsewhere, we recommend that you do not allow it to be deleted and then re-created in the system,
rather use the clipboard abilities to detach the hardware before deleting the computer record, and
then re-assign it to another entity. This allows you to keep track of hardware that is reused in different