The Software menu allows you to define different (and categorized) software items that can later
be associated with multiple OS. Software components are categorized under
"Software Types" (managed from the "Manage Types menu). This is
done for easier reference and managemet of multiple software items.
The Software menu supports the basid operations:
Software List
When first opening the dialog you will be presented with the listbox that will request you to
choose which software type to display. After choosing you are presented with the Software list
of the type you chose. The type selector is always displayed on top of the list to allow for easy
navigation between types. When displaying multiple types, it is also possible to view software
of a single type alone, by clicking the type name (displayed in the caption above the list).
The Software list is standard and allows managing software items. Note, that this is a prerequisite
step: Software must be defined here before you can associate it with an OS.
Viewing Software
When an item on the list is clicked once, more details will appear on the right side of the screen.
There you can see full details about the software component, view logs for this item, and also request
to see all OS where this software is installed.
Add a Software Component
Software components can be added by clicking the "Add" button. The dialog will request to fill
in the following information:
- Software Type - Select from the list which Software Type this software item will belong
- Software Name - Software's Name. (Not including version information)
- Company Name - Name of company who publishes this software
- Version - Software's version.
- Website - URL to software's homepage.
- License Type - Choose from the list under what license is this software distributed.
License types are managed under "Manage Types" menu.
Editing a Software Component
The Edit dialog is the same as the "Add" dialog.
Deleting a Software Component
Delete operation is also standard. A confirmation will appear to verify the deletion. Note, that when
deleting a component - all of its instances associated with any OS will also be deleted; also, in this
case associated licenses will not be updated accordingly (this due to a limitation in MySQL version 4.x).