System Administrator Inventory
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Welcome to the Inventory Website!

  "Inventory" is a utility for System Administrators that allows organized storing and viewing of all data important to the SysAdmin including: Computers, Operating Systems, Hardware, Software, Patches and so forth.
  All data is stored in a MySQL Database and is accessed through a web-based interface written in PHP. This allows deployment on a wide array of compatible plaforms. Inventory is distributed freely under the GPL License.

  You may want to look at our list of features, or sample screen-shots from the current version. Our project is hosted at SourceForge, where you can also access our downloads section.

Would you like to contribute to Inventory?
  • Currently looking for translators to translate Inventory into other languages. Mainly to: French, Italian and Spanish. The task is to translate the language resources from English to your local language. Think you can help? Email me.
  • Know a thing or two about WMI and VBScript? If you're familiar with either subject, and you want to help with automating data insertion into Inventory, Email me.
  • More info can be found at the Developers Section

News and Updates
Posted: 30 Nov 2006 - by Dan
Bulgarian and German languages were contributed to Inventory by Miroslav Valkov and Albert Kieferle. Thank you very much for the contrib guys! Both languages are posted in the Inventory Addons - Localization section in downloads, and will be included in the next release.
Posted: 9 November 2005 - by Dan
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section added to the website. It's still in the initial stages and I'll be adding more items to it as time passes.
Posted: 9 November 2005 - by Dan
Important update for users upgrading 0.8x to 0.82: The SQL update file distributed in the release is lacking the userReport table (which saves user reports). To fix this issue you should download this update script and upgrade your database according to the "Upgrading from 0.8x to 0.82" instructions found in the upgrade documentation.
Users that installed version 0.82 as a regular install (not as an update to previous versions) are not affected by this issue, and should ignore this message.
Thanks to Enrique for finding this problem.
Posted: 1 November 2005 - by Dan
Version 0.82 Final released: I'm pleased to announce the release of 0.82 (final) version. You can download it from this link.
Posted: 23 October 2005 - by Dan
Version 0.82 RC1 released: Preview release for version 0.82 is out. This is not the official 0.82 release, RC1 lacks the following features:
  • Translations of languages other than English are update up to version 0.81
  • Help files are not fully updated with recent changes
  • There might be minor bugs here and there
I expect this version to be quite stable, but if unsure, you may want to wait for the final 0.82 release.

You can view the main changes to version 0.82 in the features section.

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Inventory enjoys the hard work put into the following projects:

PHP   MySQL   SourceForge   Everaldo   Novula   jsCalendar   Get Firefox!

XHTML 1.0 Validated   CSS Validated
Last Updated: 30 November 2006