System Administrator Inventory
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Inventory RoadMap
This section outlines progress for future versions of Inventory, and specific features planned.

Icon Legend:
  - Feature is ready   - Feature is in progress   - Feature rejected
  - Feature status not determined   - Help required with this feature
  - Feature postponed   - Feature is waiting for implementation (approved)

Upcoming version 0.83 (Release date to be determined)

  • More Search functionality
  • Notes support: attach notes to any component
  • Automatic data import / WMI scripting support
  • Heirarchial UI (Tree interface)

Future Versions:

  • Log utilities: trim, search etc.
  • Cost features: ability to attach cost to items, and produce reports
  • Attachments: ability to attach documents to items
  • Incident support: attach incident issues to items, create todo list for support persons

Have more suggestions, or wish to help with any of these tasks? Email Me.

Inventory enjoys the hard work put into the following projects:

PHP   MySQL   SourceForge   Everaldo   Novula   jsCalendar   Get Firefox!

XHTML 1.0 Validated   CSS Validated
Last Updated: 30 November 2006