System Administrator Inventory
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Inventory Main Features:
  • Assists the management of all components under the System Administrator's responsibility:
    Computers, Computer Hardware, Operating Systems, Software, Licenses, Patches and Updates, Software / Hardware Vendors and Computer Users.
  • Hierarchal Structure using RDBMS database tables.
  • Highly Flexible.
  • Allows SysAdmin to keep a detailed account of their computing resources.
  • Accessible through the Web or Intranet (served by a web server).
  • Supports all platforms that can run PHP/MySQL/Apache.
  • Supports common browsers: IE 5.x and Mozilla 1.x (or better)
  • Distributed under the GPL License

New Features for version 0.80:
  • Redesigned database scheme provides more flexibility
  • Most code base was re-written from scratch
  • Improved and unified interface, with easier access to information
  • Better GUI with customization by themes
  • Language support - will allow translation to your native language
  • Logging system
  • User permissions
  • More control over the system via new admin tools
  • Hardware control was improved: hardware can now be attached to Users and Locations (in addition to Computers).
  • Hardware clipboard allows you to move hardware items from one owner object to another.

New Features for version 0.82:
  • Support for HTTPS urls and ports other than 80
  • More fields for computers: manufacturer, model, purchase info fields.
  • Search dialogs for computers and OS were added
  • Import from CSV file functionality added
  • Fixed bug with " signs breaking JS
  • Rewritten reports section, now better than ever :-)
  • Better support for printing and exporting reports to spreadsheet
  • Added support for personal (saved) reports for each user
  • Non admin users can now view the userlist (depending on their access level)
  • Dutch and Lithuanian languages now included in the distribution
  • Support for SQL data initialization in local language (for install)

Inventory enjoys the hard work put into the following projects:

PHP   MySQL   SourceForge   Everaldo   Novula   jsCalendar   Get Firefox!

XHTML 1.0 Validated   CSS Validated
Last Updated: 30 November 2006